Looking for new playtesters! (don't ask why)

Described as a mishmash of chess and Yu-Gi-Oh, MYTHO is a competitive multiplayer hybrid TCG board game inspired by Greek mythology.

Players of MYTHO strategically build teams of heroes ranging from Atalanta to Zeus, challenging opponents to battle on a hexagonal D&D-like board.

Please note that MYTHO uses cookies to keep players logged in, and this doesn't work out very well for embedded HTML games. Through itch.io, you'll still be able to check out the game instructions, card index, trading post, and so on — but in order to create a player or guest account, you'll need to do that directly through https://www.mythogame.com/ for security reasons. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Feel free to hop by the MYTHO Discord server — it's pretty active, and we occasionally run tournaments and other fun events!

The game's background music was created by the amazing The Seventh Midnight ✨

Lastly, if you'd like, you can sign up for a monthly MYTHO email newsletter by joining the Google group!

Thank you all for playing!

🧡, miya7090

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